The Quartet

Formed in the fall of 2023 at The Juilliard School, the Prometheus String Quartet is a New York City-based string quartet inspired by the myth of Prometheus, striving to bring the gift of music to others. Just as Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to humanity, we aim to bring new and meaningful forms of connection to our audiences through our performances of the beloved string quartet canon and undiscovered gems. 

Composed of violinists Roger Shao, Anthony Chan, violist Brian Jennings, and cellist Wilson Vanderslice the quartet was formed under the guise of Juilliard director of chamber music Merry Peckham. Currently, the quartet is coached by Joseph Lin and Joel Krosnick. Previously, the quartet worked with Curtis Macomber and Hsin-yun Huang. 

In its first year, the quartet was selected to take part and perform in Juilliard’s annual ChamberFest. During the week-long intensive session, the quartet prepared Korngold’s monumental piano quintet in E Major Op. 15 with guest pianist Sean Gan.

Dedicated to innovation in the concert scene, the quartet also recently performed in “The Mad King”, a collaboration between Carnegie Hall and Juilliard’s “New Series” curated by music division dean David Ludwig. In it, the quartet performed Schoenbergs Op.41 Ode to Napoleon in a multimedia setting alongside guest pianist Baron Fenwick and actor Ana Karneža. The quartet has also worked closely with flutist Claire Chase in the premiere of a new version of Terry Riley’s “Holy Liftoff”.

The quartet members individually attained their Bachelors degrees from Mannes, the New England Conservatory, the Peabody Institute, and the Eastman School of Music before forming together at Juilliard. Past individual coaches for the group members include members of the Brentano, Juilliard, Borromeo, Orion, American, Ying, Pacifica, Goldner, Danele, and Cooperstown String Quartets.